We have all heard the statistics on how much easier it is to keep a customer than it is to create a new customer. Well here are some steps for creating a customer loyalty program that will allow you to keep your customers and create new repeat customers.
- Track every possible customer. Get the names, phone numbers addresses, and especially email addresses of the customers you deal with on a regular basis. There are several good contact management programs available, such as Microsoft Outlook, that many folks have already. Then ask them to join your customer loyalty program and make the program available at every point-of-sale.
- Give your repeat customers special offers not available to the general public. Either give them a discount, special buying terms, or something for free (even if it is something small).
- Let your repeat customers get the first shot at new products and/or services. This will make them feel special and it will allow you to test the product or service before offering it to the general public.
- Tell them thank you! This doesn't cost anything! Simply send them an email or if you really want to get into this, pick up the phone or write a personal letter. Actually hand write it the letter. Nobody does that anymore and people love it.
- Be creative when deciding how create loyalty. Nobody knows your customers better than you. Also, don't be afraid to ask them what they want. Makes life easier.
- Lastly, do not make the rules for joining your program difficult. If there are too many rules to joining, the reward system could end up being more trouble than it is worth.
The TSBDC offers free and confidential one-on-one counseling for existing and start up small businesses. To register for go to www.tsbdc.org.Other contact information - Phone (615) 230-4780 www.volstate.edu/tsbdcThe Tennessee Small Business Development Center Network is funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration and local community donors.
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