If you are looking for a chance to increase your sales effectiveness for your small business, then this workshop is for you. Come and listen to four different panel members (small business owners and other sales professionals) discuss the following sales topics for small business owners.
*Why Are You Successful?
*Selling Strategies
*How to Overcome Objections
*Measuring Your Results
Click below to register or go to http://www.tsbdc.org/ and click on the Training button.
Small Business Sales Forum
This will be an open question and answer session, so you will get to take full advantage of talking to people who make sales on a regular basis, with real-world examples.
By the way, this workshop is in the Thigpen Library, NOT the Betty Gibson Building.
The TSBDC offers free and confidential one-on-one counseling for existing and start up small businesses. To register for go to http://www.tsbdc.org/.
Other contact information - Phone (615) 230-4780 www.volstate.edu/tsbdc
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sell with a Story

The TSBDC offers free and confidential one-on-one counseling for existing and start up small businesses. To register for go to http://www.tsbdc.org/.
Other contact information - Phone (615) 230-4780 www.volstate.edu/tsbdc
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